Monday 2 November 2009

Evening All

Evening All - Jayne here again.

Had the usual busy day, I've actually managed to do a few things for myself as well - who'd have thought. The traffic around here gets worse and worse, I'm so glad that I don't have to find a solution and it will be left to better minds than mine.

As Bill has been voted in as the new Chair of the Grantham Road Residents Association we are looking for people with an interest in either Beckett, Arden or Pinter House to come on board and help us to get things running in an efficient way. We shall need to have the help of anyone who has a head for figures, knows their way around a building, has any involvement with professional decorators etc. etc etc. - this list could go on and on as I suspect you can imagine.

We are also very keen to have as many of the tenants involved as we can and so if any of you are reading this and would like to have a chat about what you could do to help, in even the smallest of ways, then please do get in touch. Bill and I are out and about most of the time and so if you want to stop us for a chat we would be very pleased. We are hoping to have some photos of all the Committee on the web information sites so that you will know who we are! More like mug shots I suppose and as I have to be the most un-photogenic person on the planet my apologies to all for having to look at my ugly mug.

Heard about a poor soul today who has had their service charge doubled in the last two years. They also have a huge damp problem that they have been trying to get solved for two years with no resolution as yet. I seem to hear a new story daily now and I am so impressed at how honest and decent most people are. In any other country I am sure people would take a much stronger line but in good old England we just endure. It makes me proud and want to weep all at the same time.

Take care - Jayne